2021 Summer Release Plan

2021 Summer Release Plan

by Brent Sawatzky -
Number of replies: 0

The table below outlines the WCLN development and schedule goals.

Preparation notes:

  • Courses will be released as Moodle version Moodle 3.10.2+ (Build: 20210324).  Suggestion = update to at least this version.
  • For simply seeing the equations in the courses, load the WIRIS filter (free).
  • If you wish to use WIRIS for students showing work, your district will need to license WIRIS (see Partners).
  • If you wish your courses to have the Grid format on your site, ensure you have the grid plugin installed BEFORE restoring the courses.
  • Update courses wherever possible to benefit from updates in assignments, question databases, rubrics, etc....
  • Make sure ALL of your teachers subscribe to the corresponding forums in the "Discussion area" so they keep up-to-date with any fixes or updates for their course(s).  It helps us ALL.
  • Note the changes that will impact old math courses this summer (BCLN server gone and CC doing self-hosting).

A HUGE thank you to all of your dedicated peers who are working hard to make all this happen for us:  Barb Boonstra, Nick Smith, Kari Daniels, Clint Surrey, Mike Richardson, Francis Tsen, Rollie Comeau, Darrol Colgur, Jodie Reeder, Bruce Merz, Ed Seidel, Fiona Graham, James Corkin, Margo Porro, Rachel Neufeld, Robert French, Sean Roarty, Sandy Hoffmann, Lara Zalinko, Kelly Tjorhom, Jim Feldes, Riley Westbrook, Kyle Berthaudin, Colin Bernard, Brittany Miller, Guy Cooper, Lorn Kennedy, Malley Richardson, Patti Allan, Amanda Kong, Mark Gilbert, Parker Cowen, Sol Thiessen, Mori Gilbert, Anne Cairns, Anurita Dhiman, Ashley Bennett, Beverly Bastness, Cole Fischer, Darla Faye, Mark Jensen, Guroor Chawla, Morag Wagner, Rhea Virk, Paula Evoy, Teresa Jackson, Todd Diakow, and Sebastian Csizmazia. 

SENIOR (Grades 10-12) Updates

Course Updates Planned Release Date
ELA 10 5 x 2-credit.  Minor changes.    Available
ELA 11 Major changes.   Reorganized. Available
English Studies 12 Minor changes.
English First Peoples 12 Minor changes. Available
Science 10 Major changes.   Database updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
Earth Science 11 Major changes.   Database updates & Videos.  Updated rubrics. Available
Biology 11 Major changes.   Database updates & Videos.  Updated rubrics. Available
Biology 12 Major changes.   Database updates & Videos.  Updated rubrics. Available
Chemistry 11 Major changes.   Database updates & Videos.  Updated rubrics. Available
Chemistry 12 Major changes.   Database updates & Videos.  Updated rubrics. Available
Physics 11 + Honours Major changes.   Database updates & Videos.  Updated rubrics.  Honours. Available
Physics 12 + Honours Major changes.   Database updates & Videos.  Updated rubrics.  Honours. Available
Science for Cit 11 Minor changes.  Updated rubrics. Available
W Math 10 WCLN course - minor updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
W Math 11 WCLN course - Major updates (alignment changes)  Updated rubrics. Available
FPC Math 10 WCLN course - minor updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
F Math 11 New WCLN course (free, with updated Database).   Available
F Math 12 New WCLN course (free, with updated Database).  Available
PC Math 11 WCLN course - minor updates.  Updated rubrics.
A Math 12 WCLN course - minor updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
PC Math 12 New WCLN course (free, with updated Database).
Calculus 12 SF Licensed version. Available
LF Math 60 WCLN course - minor updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
LF Math 70 WCLN course - minor updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
Social Studies 10 Minor updates.  Available
Social Studies 11 - EXPL Minor updates.  Available
SS12: World History Minor updates.  Available
SS12: BC First Peoples Minor updates.   Updated rubrics. Available
SS12: Law Studies Minor updates.   Updated rubrics. Available
SS12: Phys Geog Minor updates.   Updated rubrics.
SS12: Social Justice Minor updates.   Updated rubrics. Available
SS12: Philosophy Minor updates.   Updated rubrics. Available
SS12: World Religions Minor updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
SS12: Indigenous Studies New course in 2021. tbd
SS12: Comparative Cultures New course in 2021. tbd
Physical Ed. 10 Minor updates.  Available
Career Life Ed. Minor updates.  rubric and minor adjustments.  Available
Career Life Connect. Minor updates.  rubric and minor adjustments. Available
CLE - French  Minor updates.  Available
Psychology 11 Major updates (improved alignment).  Database updated.  Updated rubrics. Available
Psychology 12 New course in 2021. tbd
Digital Photo 12 Minor updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
Graphic Production 11 New course! Available
Interpersonal & Family Rel 11 Minor updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
Child Dev and Care Giving 12 Minor updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
Computer Science 11 Minor updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
Robotics 11 Minor updates.  Updated rubrics.
Video Game Development 11 Minor updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
Fashion Industry 12 Minor updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
Entrepreneurship 12 Minor updates.  Updated rubrics. Available
Accounting 11 Major updates to question database.  Updated rubrics. Available
LF Eng 60 Minor updates. Available
LF Eng 70  Minor updates. Available

Grades 4-9 Releases

Updates Planned Release Date
English 4-9 ELA4 & 8 have Major changes to layout. Available
Math 4-9 Major updates to better align with grade level. Updated rubrics. Available
Science 4-9 Major updates to better align with grade level.  Updated rubrics. Available
Socials 4-9 Minor updates. Available
PHE5-9 Minor updates.  Some reorganization. Available
Careers 7-8 New courses! Oct 30, 2021

Alberta Specific

Course Updates Planned Release Date
Science 8 Minor updates. Available
Science 9 Minor updates. Available
Physics 20 Minor updates. Available
Chemistry 20 Minor updates. Available
ELA 6 Minor updates. Available
ELA 7 Minor updates. Available
ELA 8 Minor updates. Available
Math 10-C Minor updates. Available
Math 10-3 Minor updates. Available
Math 20-3 Minor updates. Available
Math 30-3 Coming in 2021. Dec 31, 2021
Math 20-1 Coming in 2021. Dec 31, 2021

Saskatchewan Specific

Course Updates Planned Release Date
Math 5 New course. Available 
Math 6 New course.  Available
Math 7 New course.  Available
Math 8 New course.  Available
Math 9 New course.  Available
English 9 New course.  Available
Science 5 New course.  Available
Science 6 New course.  Available
Science 7 New course.  Available
Science 8 New course.  Available
Science 9 New course.  Available
Socials 9 New course.  Available
Phys Ed 9 New course.  Available
Health 9 New course. Available 
PAA 9 New course.  Available
Math 10, FPC Minor updates. Available
Math 10, W Minor updates. Available
Math 20, W Minor updates. Available