Start of a new year and you'll want to start with fresh course(s) in D2L. 

If admin builds shells for you and has teachers move content over, then the following steps can be used.

Steps for teacher:

  1. Go into your old course
  2. Course Admin > Import / Export ....... 
  3. Export as Brightspace Package > Start > Select all components = selected  > Continue
  4. Include course files = yes > Export
  5. Wait and watch for new alert (orange dot above alert icon).
  6. When export is finished, click on the link in alerts and download the backup to your desktop.
  7. Now, we go into your new course (shell).
  8. Course Admin > Import / Export ....... 
  9. Import Components > from a course package > Start 
  10. Upload (file from desktop)  > Import all Compenents
  11. Wait for Import > View Content > Adjust as Needed

Video summary of above steps:



Last modified: Tuesday, 28 May 2024, 1:15 PM