Course Downloads

Those designated as "Download Tech's" (typically one LMS admin per district), can find the course downloads in the Discussion Forum (scroll to the bottom) and restore them locally for their district's DL and/or BL teachers.

All courses in the download area are free to WCLN members except for the material labelled as StudyForge.   An additional license is required to use these resources.  To access this additional license, find the corresponding vendor under the Partners area and contact them.

LTI Set-up (Required)

If you're new to the LTI 1.3 (SF), then you'll need to configure some LTI settings PRIOR to restoring the courses. 

2023+ WCLN resources use StudyForge's LTI system.

If you've already set-up SF LTI for other reasons, you don't need to do it again.

Otherwise, you NEED to set-up your site for this system PRIOR to importing new courses.

MathML (Equations)

No more WIRIS required for 2023+ courses.   Of course, your program "may" decide to use WIRIS for allowing students to show equations, but seeing equations is no longer dependent on WIRIS.

Moodle Plugins (if using Moodle)

To best accommodate your hosting and updates, WCLN tries to minimize the extra Moodle plugins used in courses.  Given that, here are some ideas:

    • Grid - this is NOT required, but makes your courses look prettier with a dashboard look.  (Free - see "")
    • WIRIS Filter - this is NO longer required to see supplied equations within the courses. 
    • WIRIS Editor - this is NOT required, but allows students and teachers to easily build equations.  See "Partners"
    • Progress Report - this is a recommended plugin that helps with communication (Free to members, see "Plugins")
    • Marking Blocks - not required, but teachers often appreciate this - eg. Grade Me  (see "")

Last modified: Wednesday, 12 June 2024, 1:04 PM