SMS History & Quick Summary

SMS Funding

SMS yearly development fees are per list below (100% of the SMS fees go back into SMS updates and additional features).

    • $2750 for members with an annual expected student FTE of 0 - 300 (0-2400 student courses accesses)
    • $3300 for members with an annual expected student FTE of 301 - 450 (2401-3600 student courses accesses)
    • $3850 for members with an annual expected student FTE of 451 - 600 (3601-4800 student courses accesses)
    • $4400 for members with an annual expected student FTE of 601 - 750 (4801-6000 student courses accesses)
    • $4950 for members with an annual expected student FTE of 751 - 900 (6001-7200 student courses accesses)
    • $5500 for members with an annual expected student FTE of 900+ (7201+ student courses accesses)

For those using the SMS with D2L, there is a one-time conversion fee that is equal to your yearly fee.

SMS Hosting

SMS code can be hosted by your local district's IT department, or can be hosted by TwoStoryRobot.   Most districts seem to prefer to host with TSR to keep things simple.

Technical Documents

These are documents produced by Two Story Robot:

Last modified: Friday, 1 September 2023, 6:27 PM