This page is about tools related to the day-to-day workflow for teachers using WCLN courses with SF LTI.

Topics (click topics to jump to details):

Q1: StudyForge quiz grading workflows

To do anything in StudyForge, you first need to authenticate. Click any "Book" icon (in Moodle) or "Lego piece" icon (in Brightspace) in a StudyForge course to log in to StudyForge.

Moodle book icon and Brightspace lego icon

Quiz grading workflows

Brightspace currently has a bug/missing feature and does not show StudyForge quizzes in QuickEval when they need to be graded. (StudyForge flags the quizzes as needing grading, but Brightspace does not show these quizzes in the grading tools.) There are two ways to know students have completed quizzes that need grading, both of which also show auto-graded quizzes. All quizzes will update their respective grades in the Moodle/Brightspace gradebook automatically when they are graded in StudyForge.

StudyForge Report Dashboard

You can access your dashboard through the StudyForge UI by clicking thesandwich icon"sandwich" menu and selecting View Report Dashboard.

StudyForge menu with View Report Dashboard highlighted

You can also access this, once you are authenticated with StudyForge, by using this link:

The report dashboard shows quizzes needing grading in the top panel, and all quizzes (including automatically graded quizzes and previously graded quizzes) in the bottom panel. In the bottom panel, work needing grading is highlighted in red.

StudyForge dashboard

A larger dashboard can be accessed by selecting "Open in a new tab" on the sandwich icon"sandwich" menu.

Note for districts where teachers do not set up their own classes: StudyForge only connects courses to teachers when teachers click a StudyForge link in each course for the first time. The Report Dashboard will not show courses that have not been connected to the teacher.

StudyForge Automated Emails

StudyForge sends automated emails at various possible intervals. Please see Q2: How to Change Email Notification Settings for details.

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Q2: How to Change Email Notification Settings

By default, StudyForge sends an automated email every time a quiz is completed on the platform, but also has options for daily digest, weekly digest or no email notifications.

Please note that due to email spam filters, receiving these emails can never be 100% dependable, so you should plan to check your Report Dashboard regularly.

To change your email settings, click the sandwich icon "sandwich" menu in a StudyForge window and select Account Settings. 

StudyForge menu with View Account Settings highlighted

In Account Settings, select Change Email Subscriptions, select your desired email notification frequency, and Save Email Preferences.

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Q3: How Remove yourself from Alerts in other Courses

If you're an admin (or super-admin), and helping out with various courses,  you may find that you're getting notifications about tests from these courses.

To remove yourself from these courses (for notifications), you can use:  sandwich icon "sandwich" menu >  "Manage Role Assignments"

Manage Role Assignment 1

Click on a course (A), then you can remove notifications with the red x (B).

Manage role assignments 2

Note that this will remove your account as a teacher in the course. If you open the course later, you will see the student view.

To undo this Role Assignment removal, navigate to the Manage Role Assignments screen while Impersonating or logging in as a user that has the Teacher role in the course. Then, at the bottom of the Users section (arrow B, above) you can expand the list of deleted Role Assignments and un-delete as needed.

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Q4: How to ...? - coming)

This functionality is in testing by StudyForge and should launch in early October.

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Q5: How to ...? - coming

This functionality is on StudyForge's "roadmap". At this point in time, there is no estimated timeline for delivery.

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Last modified: Friday, 19 April 2024, 2:29 PM