This page covers editing quiz questions or adding new questions.

To Customize or Not?

The StudyForge LTI integration allows edits made by the WCLN to be automatically updated in your course. By editing quiz questions using the tools on this page, you will no longer get updates to the questions.

Editing questions in a quiz will also require creating a "Group quiz", which will no longer get updates to the quiz structure. See Changing Quizzes for more details.

Not good reasons to customize a question:

  • There is a pedagogically poor question. Instead, please post to the forum so it can be fixed/removed for all WCLN users.
  • You found a typo or mistake in a question that is (otherwise) good. Please post to the forum so it can be fixed for all WCLN users.

Good reasons to customize a question:

  • You wish to experiment with your students before you "bring it to the group."
  • You wish to modify questions to include specific student/class details to build connection/engagement.
  • You wish to add a custom question that's specific to your course/context.

Topics (click question to jump to details):

Q1: How to edit a WCLN question

To edit a question, you must opt in to the beta stream of StudyForge then create a Group Quiz.

In the quiz Builder tab, click the Copy and Edit this question button. (Seen here).

This opens the Edit Quiz Question screen:

The most relevant parts of this screen are:

  • The question Ref can be found in 2 places: the URL bar and in the Item Reference label. You may wish to make a note of the Ref for easy search later.
  • The edit question button. Click this after noting the Ref to edit the question.
  • The Save Changes button. Be sure to save your changes before you close this screen!

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Q2: How to add a new question

To add a new question, you must opt in to the beta stream of StudyForge then create a Group Quiz.

Click Create New Question at the bottom of the Builder tab:

On the next screen, input an Item Title then click Add new.

Select the desired question type, note the new queston's Ref in the URL bar, then edit the question.

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Q3: Question editing screen

Depending on the question type, this screen will have different sections and features. Some of the most notable sections are listed below:

Use the Compose question box to edit the question text that is dispalyed to students.

You can + Add or Delete multiple choice (or other question type) options with the + Add or <trash can> buttons.

The Set correct answer(s) section in auto-graded questions allows for a correct response and may have alternate responses (for full or partial credit). Click the + button to add more alternate responses.

The More options section includes the Detailed Solution field which is the feedback displayed to students when they review their submitted quiz.

For some question types, you can also add Response Level Solutions which display if the student selects that response:

Limitations: the Response Level Solutions will be in the same order as your response options, so choice A lines up with the first option listed. 

Note that in the import to StudyForge, many WCLN questions had this feedback scrambled. Please post to the forums with the original question Ref if you find questions where feedback does not line up with the responses.

Use the Save Changes button in the top right before you close this screen!

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Last modified: Monday, 22 April 2024, 7:04 PM