Templates (click category to jump to samples):

Matching: Lots of Good Applications for a Quick Self-Check

2 Pairs to Match (SL-MATCH_2A, SLTL - 019m)

2 match


3 Pairs to Match (SL-MATCH_3A, SLTL - 022m) - the particular example uses matching, but for more like an "Arrange in Order" application


4 Pairs to Match (SL-MATCH_4A, SLTL - 041m)


5 Pairs to Match (spiderlove) - can use any mix of text and/or graphics

6 Pairs to Match  (SL-MATCH_6A, SLTL - 008m, 011m)

circuit devices

6 Pairs to Match  (SL-MATCH_6B)

graph matching

6 Pairs to Match

graph matching

7 Pairs to Match

graph matching

8 Pairs to Match

graph matching

8 Pairs to Match

graph matching

8 Pairs to Match

graph matching

8 Pairs to Match

graph matching

Match Capital Cities

graph matching

Match Surroundings

graph matching

Explore (not really matching)

graph matching

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Categorize:  Lots of Good Applications for a Quick Self-Check

2 Categories, 9 Items to Categorize  (SL-CATEGORIES_2-9)

2 categories, 9 items

2 Categories, 16 Items to Categorize  (SL-CATEGORIES_2-16)

categories, 16 items

4 Categories, 20 Items to Categorize  (SL_Categories4_20)

categories, 20 items


2 Categories, 5 Items to Categorize (wcln/potato_categories2)

3 Categories, 5 Items to Categorize  (wcln/potato_categories3)

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Image Labelling: Great Visual Self-Check

4-8 ITEMS (wcln/image_labels)

8 ITEMS - ....

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Arranging in Order:  Checking Order or Hierarchy

Note that if you want to arrange with 1-4 items, you can use matching to match Items to "Step 1", "Step 2".......

4 Items to Arrange (wcln/arrange)

Note - any of the matching templates could be used for arrangements.

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MC Quizzes - Regular:  Quick Self-Check

Various MC Questions (SL-MC-QUIZ-A)

Reflect & Check

Multiple Choice Using Hotspots

Reflect & Check

Note Note: there are lots of options for MC quiz layouts.  Will make more to provide ideas!

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MC Quizzes - Timed:  Skills/Drills Practice

Balloon Pop - up to 6 levels, with up to 10 questions per level (wcln/balloons)

Retro Space Invaders - up to 50 questions (wcln/invaders)

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MC Quizzes - Game-Show Style:  A Bit of Flair within Self-Check

Jeopardy Style - 20 Questions (cptx)

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Memory Games: A Bit of Interaction with Memory Involved.  Value??

These memory activities are "interactive," for sure.   Given that, when students play this game, are they self-testing themselves on the content, their memory of placements, how fast they can click through buttons, or.....?   Not sure of the value and whether matching media is a better choice in most cases.   Thoughts?

Memory Cards - 5 pairs to Match (SL-MEMORY_A)

Matching memory game


Memory Cards - 5 pairs of Matches (wcln/memory)

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Scenarios:  I haven't used this one yet, but good potential for right situation?

Maybe for a careers one or something, but would be interesting to make a scenario media some day.

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Drag/Click to Reveal: Another Way to Navigate

Not overly "interactive" but adds a variation on naviagation that might make sense in certain situations.

6 Items to Click to Reveal (SL-IMAGE_COLLAGE6)

changing prices


8 Items to Click to Reveal (SL-IMAGE_COLLAGE8) - example below is not complete yet

Gold rush prep


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AI Concept Checker:  Expanding Useage.

Nice, simple use of generative AI to allow students to self-check their learning and understanding in a very flexible way.

Concept checker

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AI Tutor Talk:  A bit more complicated.

Another use of generative AI, allowing a more "ongoing back-and-forth" around a single goal.   More complicated to layout and design, but another way to allow students more flexible self-checking while they thing through the steps of a solution.

tutor talk

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Interactive Videos: Mixing videos and games

It's certainly more efficient to split videos and games. Given that, sometimes we could justify all the effort and inefficiency of incorporating a mix. Built a bunch of these in the early days of the consortium. A bit easier now. Good for discussion.

tutor talk


tutor talk

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Last modified: Monday, 3 February 2025, 10:21 AM