Summer 2024 Course Releases/Updates

Summer 2024 Course Releases/Updates

by WCLN Developers -
Number of replies: 0

WCLN 2024 Resource Overview:

  1. The table below summarizes the main updates that have happened within Summer, 2024.
  2. Most updates happened "in the background" (LTI), but some (marked with *) require LMS adjustments if not grabbing a new course.
  3. Our goal is to enable grabbing new courses, as well as updating existing courses, wherever possible.
  4. In order to be informed of changes, teachers must subscribe in the Discussion Forums for courses that they teach.
  5. Note that New Rubrics and LG split-ups were only done for D2L courses, so far, due to time constraints.

WCLN 2024 Teacher Development Team – A huge thank-you to Barb Boonstra, Jeremy Baerg, Anna Toews, Pam Parenty, Rachael Neufeld, Riley Westbrook, James Corkin, Laura Zalinko, Robert French, Sandy Hoffmann, Trevor Armstrong, Troy Boyd, Anurita Dhiman, Crystal Findlay, Tracey Sawatzky, Nick Smith, Ashley Bennett, Chris Rozitis, Ed Seidel, Elixa Neumann, Glenda Dyck, Jennifer Filek, Kari Daniels, Laurel Seafoot, Lorn Kennedy, Mark Hauk, Nick Smith, Tod Anderson, Trevor Armstrong, Lucien Letvinchuk, and Ashton Blaskov  for contributing many summer hours to help support us and our students.  

Course D2L Moo 2024 Updates (see Discussion Forum for details)
Math 4 43435 655 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, LG Split-Up*, New Rubrics*
Math 5 43436 656 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, LG Split-Up*, New Rubrics*
Math 6 43437 657 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, LG Split-Up*, New Rubrics*
Math 7 43438 658 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs, LG Split-Up*, New Rubrics*
Math 8 43439 659 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs, LG Split-Up*, New Rubrics*
Math 9 43440 660 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs, LG Split-Up*, New Rubrics*
W Math 10 43366 661 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
W Math 11 43395 662 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
FPC Math 10 43396 663 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
PC Math 11 43397 664 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
F Math 11 43398 665 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
A Math 12 43399 666 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
PC Math 12 43400 671 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
F Math 12 43401 667 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
LF Math 50 43402 668 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates
LF Math 60 43403 669 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates
LF Math 70 43404 670 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates
Science 4 43441 674 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, LG Split-Up*, New Rubrics*
Science 5 43442 675 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, LG Split-Up*, New Rubrics*
Science 6 43443 676 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, LG Split-Up*, New Rubrics*
Science 7 43444 677 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs, LG Split-Up*, New Rubrics*
Science 8 43445 678 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs, LG Split-Up*, New Rubrics*
Science 9 43446 679 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs, LG Split-Up*, New Rubrics*
Science 10 6849 685 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
Earth Science 11 43376 684 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
Biology 11 6848 681 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs, New Quizzes*
Biology 12 43378 682 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs, New Quizzes*
Chemistry 11 6846 686 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs, New U1 Quiz*
Chemistry 12 6847 673 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
Physics 11 6845 721 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
Physics 12 43377 680 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
Science for Cit 11 43379 683 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
English 4 43447 632 MAJOR CHANGES (incl Rubrics*, new assign/quizzes*, projects, games)
English 5 43448 633 MAJOR CHANGES (incl Rubrics*, new assign/quizzes*, projects, games)
English 6 43449 700 New Rubrics*, New Games
English 7 43450 634 New Rubrics*, New Games
English 8 43451 636 New Rubrics*, New Games
English 9 43452 635 New Rubrics*, New Games
English 10 - COMP 43380 615 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
English 10 - CW 43381 640 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
English 10 - FLS 43382 637 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
English 10 - NM 43383 638 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
English 10 - SL 43384 639 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
English 11 6851 701 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
English Studies 12 6852 702 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
Eng First Peoples 10 43626 723 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
Eng First Peoples 11 43627 725 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
Eng First Peoples 12 6850 641 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
LF English 60 43385 703 Minor (LTI) Updates
LF English 70 43386 704 Minor (LTI) Updates
Socials 4 43453 642 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, New Rubrics*, New Assignment*
Socials 5 43454 643 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, New Rubrics*
Socials 6 43455 688 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, New Rubrics*
Socials 7 43456 689 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, New Rubrics*
Socials 8 43457 690 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, New Rubrics*
Socials 9 43458 691 New Rubrics*, Major Lesson Updates
Social 10 43625 724 Major Lesson Updates, U1 Accessibility Updates
SS11 - Explorations 43370 692 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
SS12 - BC FP 12 43388 694 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
SS12 - LAW 43635 693 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
SS12 - Geography 43389 695 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
SS12 - History 43390 696 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
SS12 - Social Justice 43391 697 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
SS12 - World Relig 43392 698 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
SS12 - Philosophy 43393 616 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
SS12 - Indig Studies 43394 699 New Games, minor (LTI) updates
PHE 4 43459 617 New Rubrics*
PHE 5 43460 707 New Rubrics*
PHE 6 43461 644 New Rubrics*
PHE 7 43462 645 New Rubrics*
PHE 8 43463 646 New Rubrics*
PHE 9 43464 708 New Rubrics*
Physical Ed. 10 43416 709 Citing Updates
Active Living 12 43417 710 minor (LTI) updates
Careers - Middle 43465 705 minor (LTI) updates
CLE 43418 647 minor (LTI) updates
CLE - French 43419 706 minor (LTI) updates
CLC 43420 648 minor (LTI) updates
Accounting 11 43421 711 minor (LTI) updates
Comp Science 10 43422 715 minor (LTI) updates
Comp Prog 11 43423 716 minor (LTI) updates
Digital Photo 12 43424 649 minor (LTI) updates
Entrepreneurship 12 43425 712 minor (LTI) updates
Fashion Industry 12 43426 650 minor (LTI) updates
Food & Nutrition 11 43427 717 minor (LTI) updates
Food & Nutrition 12 43428 718 minor (LTI) updates
Inter & Fam Rel 11 43429 713 minor (LTI) updates
Child Dev & Care 12 43430 651 minor (LTI) updates
Game Dev 11 (BA) 43431 652 minor (LTI) updates
Robotics 11 (BA) 43432 714 minor (LTI) updates
Graphic Prod 11 43433 719 minor (LTI) updates
Psychology 11 (BA) 43434 653 Citing Updates
French 10 117410 740 New Course (see release schedule below)**
Art 9 116539 749 New Course
Physics 20 - 569 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
Chem 20 - 254 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
AB SC 8 - 204 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
AB SC 9 - 205 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
Math 10-C - 386 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
Math 10-3 - 387 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
Math 20-1 - 528 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
Math 20-2 - 552 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
Math 20-3 - 388 New Games, New Inquiry Projects, Testbank Updates, Adjusted LGs
Math 30-3 - 751 Converted to LTI 1.3


* = indicates local course changes required if not loading new course.  Details in Discussion Forums.

** = indicates that this course will be released with structure in place, but not all lessons.   Details in Discussion Forums.