Editors - Quick Links for Dev:

Lists - Quick Ref for Dev:


Here are are the big-picture development goals related to the SF platform:

  1. Clean-up quiz-weighting issues through a combination of script and manual checking (started).  Signup1done...thx team!
  2. Discussion forum clean-up (started).   Signup2.  done...thx team! (ongoing maintenance now)
  3. Fix main question issues - Info3.  | ScriptLogs3  | MoodLogs3.  done...thx team!
  4. Remove duplicates - Round #1.  Info4.  | Signup4.  done...thx team!
  5. Remove duplicates - Round #2.  Signup5  Current Focus!
  6. REMIND: for all questions that allow multiple answers, we need to add penalty number.
  7. Expand question database after clean-up - New Questions
  8. Rubrics added (CLE,CLC,ENG9,SS10,FOODS11,FOODS12,SS9,CIS12,ENFP12,GEOG12,SS11,BCFP12,Law12,PE10,EN5) - thx Rachael!

Development Methods  (click idea to jump to details):

Most of these processes are getting improved interfaces, so might seem a tad cryptic but we are still able to make changes (per Development Methods below).   

      1. Preparation Tips
      2. Editing a Reading
      3. Editing a Lesson
      4. Editing a Question
      5. Editing a Quiz/Test
      6. Latex (equations)
      7. Create a New Course - coming later
      8. Create a New Lesson - coming later
      9. Create a New Quiz - coming later
      10. SF Request List

Method 1: Preparation Tips

Access to SF:

At some point, we'll have individual developer accounts (and/or topic-based ones) for SF editing.   For now, we developers all use the same account.

user name: wcln_developers

password:  talk to Brent

Authentication for access to SF tools (below) involves being logged into WCLN.ca and have recently clicked on a course/SF reading.   It can become a bit confusing if you're in your own OL course (under a different account), then jump over to do a SF fix.  It'll seem like you have no power and you'll think that something is broken.   Simply open WCLN, go to a course, click on a reading, then go back and refresh the page.    You'll be back-in-action.

Bookmark Management:

The most efficient way to use the methods below is by keeping some bookmarks.

Thus, make a folder in your bookmarks called "WCLN - SF Editing" and you can drag URLs mentioned below into this folder.   Note that you can right click and edit, to change the name of each link in the bookmarks.   Your resulting bookmark folder might look like this.


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Method 2: Editing a Reading

Terminology:  Readings are the pages in the lessons.  In Moodle terms, readings are the pages in the books.

Bookmark to drag into the "WCLN - SF Editing" folder:  https://tool.studyforge.net/reading/38578   (can call it "Reading Editor")

Add digits to the end of the URL for the reading's reference number.   Every reading (page) has a reference number listed at the bottom.

At some point, we'll get all teachers to list the reference number whenever they report an error in a lesson.  At this point, you may have to go to WCLN.ca to find the location and determine the reference number yourself (see the example circled in red below).

Once you have the reference number, simply use the URL above and replace the last digits with the desired reference number.


        • Click Edit button to jump into editor.  If you don't see the edit button, it means that SF is not able to authenticate you.   Go to WCLN.ca and click on a reading in a different tab, then return to this tab and refresh your page.
        • The editor is really simple at this point.   If your HTML is rusty, ask for help.   In a couple of cases, I went and made a table in Moodle, then copied the HTML over.  Given that, BE CAREFUL about copying stuff over from Moodle.   If there are images or Javascript in the Moodle case, they won't copy over properly.
        • Once you click "Update" at the bottom, it's updated for everyone out there.   If you screw-up something as you're working, best to "Cancel" then start again.   If you're doing something substantial, you may wish to save occasionally.


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Method 3: Editing a Lesson

Terminology:  Lessons are a collection of readings.  In Moodle terms, lessons are the books.

Step 1:   Go to the lesson. Use the "hamburger" hamburger
to "Open in a new tab"

Step 2:  Within the new tab, use the "hamburger" to click on "Edit this lesson"

Step 3:  Because you're accessing the lesson through a course and not through the orginal LTI Source Course, it'll ask you what to do.   Just click on the link, to go to the source.  It'll load in the background, so you can click "cancel" to get rid of the pop-up.

Step 4:  Now, you're in the Source course (you can see the course name at the top to confirm) - eg. "Source - Physics 11-12".    From here use the "hamburger" to click on "Edit this lesson."   No warning this time.  You're ready to edit.

At this point, you'll find that you can move things around, delete readings, etc..


        • Little blue pluses to add new readings.
        • Red x to delete readings.
        • Green checkmark to save changes.

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Method 4: Editing a Question

Bookmark to drag into the "WCLN - SF Editing" folder:  https://tool.studyforge.net/manage/items   (can call it "Question Editor")

Add digits to the end of the URL for the question's reference number.   Every question has a reference number, like shown by the red circle below.

Edit: This didn't work for me, so I search in https://tool.studyforge.net/manage/items?qb=1

Note that the reference code is a combination of the categories/name from which the questions came, along with a unique number at the end.

At some point, we'll get all teachers to list the reference code whenever they report an error in a question.  At this point, you may have to go to WCLN.ca to find the location and determine the reference number yourself.

Once you have the reference number, simply use the search bar in the question manager to find your question.   


        • If you do a search, and nothing is showing up (when it should), you may need to authenticate again.
        • Note that the search works by partially filling in the reference code, which is handy for looking for similar questions.
        • Note that work will begin in mid-October when all duplicates of questions will be removed.   After this, editing of questions will be easier and we'll do a more thorough sweep.

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Method 5: Editing a Quiz/Test

Terminology:  In the same way that a lesson is a collection of readings, a quiz is a collection of questions.

Bookmark to drag into the "WCLN - SF Editing" folder:  https://tool.studyforge.net/v4/construct/quiz/     (can call it "Quiz Builder")

Add digits to the end of the URL for the quiz's reference number.   Every quiz/test has a reference number.

Step 1:  Go to the quiz and use the "hamburger" to "open in a new tab"

Step 2:  See the URL for this new tab to get the quiz reference (example shown in red circle below):

Step 3:  In a new tab go to the bookmarked location and replace the last digits with your new reference number.

Step 4:  Make your changes.


        • Check each question's "Weight" (should all be 1 for most MC question pool situations).
        • You can see the pool by mousing over questions and clicking gear.
        • Remember to "Save" AND "Publish" (students don't see your changes until you publish).


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Method 6: Latex (equations)

Terminology:  Latex is a typesetting system for equation-building in web pages.  In Moodle and our old LTI, we used MathML.  The MathML equations (in both lessons and quizzes) were converted to Latex for the new SF LTI system.  This was partially successful, in that most simple equations look OK, but there are some errors in the bigger ones.

Bookmark to drag into the "WCLN - SF Editing" folder: https://tool.studyforge.net/reading/38578

How to make a Latex Equation?   There are a few common ways that you may prefer:

        • If you make an equation in DESMOS, then copy and paste into SF editor, it'll be Latex.
        • CODESCOGS works good (https://editor.codecogs.com/)
        • For commonly used equations, ChatGPT can generate Latex quickly (may need adjustment).
        • Latex Command Summary:  https://www.bu.edu/math/files/2013/08/LongTeX1.pdf


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Method 7: Create a New Course

From within a SF lesson, clicking thesandwich icon"sandwich" menu to open in a new tab.

Again, use the sandwich icon"sandwich" menu to "Manage My Custom Courses", and "Create New Course"

Complete as follows:

        • Name = full name of course (eg. Foundations of Math 11)
        • Code = short name of course (eg. F Math 11)
        • Chapter label = Unit
        • Skip: video plate file, lesson page css, description
        • Grade level = (eg. 11)
        • Who can see This Course = WCLN
        • License amount = 0   (important)
        • Course Stream Equivalent = (eg. Mathematics > Foundations of Math)
        • Region = British Columbia - WCLN
        • Continuous Lesson Numbering = No

Create New Course


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Method 8: Create a New Lesson

Info coming


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Method 9: Create a New Quiz

Info coming


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Method 10: SF Request List

We recognize that while SF is our best move forward, it is not yet a perfect fit for WCLN resources and teachers (YET).

Thus, we'll continue to work together to make a more perfect fit.

With this in mind, allow me to share some of the conversations happening with SF, as we plan:

        • Course level batch settings for quiz settings - being worked on right now.
        • The navigation within the SF needs to be adjusted for our situation.
          • Numbering confuses students - SF will remove numbers as a short-term solution, then discuss long-term solution.
          • Access to entire course (including hidden areas) is a problem for Activation AND teacher modifications.
        • Lessons should jump to the top of a reading when switching readings (inconsistent).
        • Videos continue to play when you move to another reading, rather than stopping.
        • Remove "Print Notes" link (or have it link to LG).
        • Add little numbers 1,2,3.....on the reading icons within a lesson for quick reference between teachers/students.
        • While students are writing a quiz, teachers should have the option to "view" their individual test (for answering questions).
        • When reviewing/grading a student's quiz, have the summary box available (showing right/wrong) for quick summary.
        • Remove penalties for all questions (particulary matching).
        • Question editor should have an editing box for "instructor_stimilus" SEE HERE

If you have other items that you feel should be part of these discussions, please let Brent know.


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Last modified: Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 9:59 AM