Developing a new course using this template may work best like this (CTRL-P if you wish to print):
Step 1: Make yourself a Google account (if you don't already have one). In Googledrive, make a folder in it called WCLN-COURSENAME-YOURNAME (eg. "WCLN-Digital-Photography12-Sawatzky") and share it with I'm going to have to put your files on the server.
Step 2: Watch the video of the intro meeting below (coming).
Step 3: Develop the lessons and LG together.
Step 4: If you're going to use a test, make some notes about your test questions. You can populate the question database if you know how to organize categories well. Otherwise, instructions coming for populating a question database.
Step 5: When ready, make your course outline using THIS TEMPLATE and put it in your WCLN..... folder (same file name format). Make sure your gradebook matches this outline (ask if you're uncertain).
Step 6: Jot down your project ideas, but we'll run another meeting to show how to put them into the LOR.
Step 7: Take another look at the Teacher Notes. Is there anything special that needs to be added for your course? If so, here's a template. Put in folder (if adjusted).
Step 8: We'll be making a custom intro video for your course near the end of development. It'll be fairly standard (how to navigate the course), but jot down ideas if you think of any. Warning that the intro video has to be kept quite short to be effective.
Step 9: Make keys for the course and put them in your WCLN folder (or directly into the bottom of the Discussion Forum area).
Step 10: Can you think of some group activities to add to your course that may help a BL classroom teacher?.