
Site: WCLN.ca
Course: WCLN.ca
Book: Exports
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Date: Saturday, 21 December 2024, 5:45 AM

Export Types

There are 3 types of data that can be exported from the SMS: Achievement Data, Student Archives and Enrolment Statistics. These exports are available to clerical and admin users in the SMS.

After you click the 'refresh' button, a new file is generated and will be available soon (depending on the size of the file). The file is then available and will not be updated until the 'refresh' button is selected again.

To avoid office staff from having to click in order to generate large amounts of data "all at once," these exports have been created. Given that each export takes significant processing, server performance can be impacted (making users unhappy).  Therefore, these features wait for "low-server load times" to do the generating.


Achievement Data

Achievement Data is exported as a csv file that can be used for a variety of purposes. The file contains student information as well as course and enrollment information.


Student Archives

The student archives export is a zipped folder that contains two files for each student in the system - a report card and a pdf of their SMS Activity Log (contact log).

Enrolment Statistics

The file that is generated lists each course, the teacher and the enrolments for each enrolment status, i.e. requested, enrolled, active, complete, withdrawn, dropped, total.
